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Friday, July 31, 2015



Title:                              HUBRIS
Why economists failed to predict the crisis and how to avoid the next one
Author:                          MEGHNAD DESAI
Publisher:                    Harper Collins Publishers, 2015
Price:                             Rs. 399/-

Meghnad’s Magisterial Mystery Tour

The author Meghnad Desai, is a Professor Emeritus of   The London School of Economics (LSE), Lord of the realm, Bollywood movie/music buff, a distinguished British/Gujarati economist named interestingly, after a towering Bengali mathematician.

Desai is also a popular talking head on Indian TV, adviser to the British government on its monetary policy and financial institutions, columnist, author, well regarded by his peers in academics both for his erudition and intellectual honesty. With his distinctive mane of hair and affable mien, Meghnad Desai is indeed a man of many parts.

HUBRIS may be a short book, but it is magisterial in terms of Desai’s deft grasp of European and American economic theory from the dawn of the modern era, meaning, Meghnad style, around the 1500s.

He points out the postulates of the early economic theorists, elements of whose ideas, most notably the search for economic ‘equilibrium’, are quite often carried over to the present day, but these notions are from an era when the commercial world was a very different place.

Desai writes fascinatingly of ‘cycles’ that seem to occur as an inevitability in all economic endeavour, much before the 1870s, when economics ‘had become a professional subject’. The meditation of this book is how to influence if not control these seemingly involuntary cycles, that can create both great prosperity and havoc in the lives of people around the world.

Many rather cosy theories fuelled by the realities of imperialism and colonialism persisted for a century under the ‘Pax Brittanica’, although every other major European power was working the same logic, with varying degrees of success. Everything changed however with the cataclysmic paroxysm of WWI in 1914.

The famous John Maynard Keynes makes an appearance soon after. Desai clearly likes him: ‘He did not stay in his ivory tower and pen articles and books. He was a man of affairs-speculator in the stock market, chairman of an insurance company, journalist, author of a bestseller, civil servant, controversialist, patron of the arts, husband of a ballerina, Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge’. ‘Controversialist’ is a word Desai seems to have coined just for Keynes.

Keynes found the nostrum for the Great Depression of the 1930s. But something similar or worse seems to be lurking about, threatening the world once more in 2015, wages  of sin for decades of debt fuelled growth. Desai seems to suggest a combination of manoeuvres may save the world, in case disaster strikes, rather than any one all-encompassing formula.

Keynes was the first to advocate government spending on projects that employed many people, because they would collectively foster a consumption boom as they spent their wages. ‘The money would circulate’ as Desai paraphrases the Keynesian outcome, and the goal was ‘full employment’, as near as possible.

It was also Keynes who coined phrases such as ‘propensity to consume’ inspired by psychologist Sigmund Freud, and ‘the exotic notion of animal spirits’, the unleashing of which is the ambition of everyman’s economic policy to this day.
Still, Keynesian economics, from the 1920s and 1930s, that persisted through WWII and the post war boom, particularly in America, is no longer thought of as the Holy Grail.

The ‘Achilles heel of Keynesian policy was inflation’ greatly aggravated by the ‘oil shock’ because the price had not risen for fifty years till 1973. And then, in one year, the price of oil quadrupled in 1973! The boom and bust cycles were back with a vengeance. And this was accelerated by the ‘influence of speculation’.

In 2008, ‘on the eve of its bankruptcy, three different potential purchasers were trying to read the accounts of Lehman Brothers and were none the wiser as to the assets/liabilities situation.’ And so, as Desai puts it: ‘If the model admits no possibility of failure of prediction, and the regulator accepts the model’s assumptions, the results are that both the poacher and the gamekeeper will lose’. The ‘malaise’ is embedded ‘in the theory’.

The ongoing eurozone crisis began in 2010 and is the ‘second leg of the crisis that had started with the collapse of Lehman Brothers’. What is the solution? Some, like post-Keynesian economist Hayek, say ‘deleveraging’ is the answer. But of course, this is another name for austerity, and imposing it is easier said than done for the pain it causes.  Besides, this time around, all the liquidity at near zero rates of interest cannot seem to raise the inflation rate off the floor in the West!

Meghnad Desai says the government in Europe are trying to stoke inflation but admits that the outcomes per earlier economic theorists have changed.Desai’s HUBRIS is in his own words ‘a journey through the history of economic ideas,’ an exploration and recounting, without claiming to have all the answers. 

The economic cycles afoot, according to Desai, are actually more like three concentric rings working simultaneously, and together. There is a long cycle, perhaps 70 years or more, postulated by economists such as Kondratieff and Schumpeter, a shorter cycle ‘in the income shares of wages and profits’, of some ten years duration, put forward by economists Marx-Goodwin, yes the Marx; and a shorter one still, ‘caused by the gap between the market rate of interest and the natural rate’, theorised upon by economists Wicksell and Hayek.

Meghnad gives an interesting account of how these cycles may have worked in the past, via the clarity of hindsight. He thinks Europe and America are currently in a Kondratieff style downswing, to last for the next twenty five years to come, with growth rates that will be much lower, at 1 to 3%, than the boom rates of 1992-2007 that were as high as 6 to 7%.

The emerging markets, including India and China, will grow much faster, in comparison, though China has now slowed from double digits to around 7%   .
The last word from Desai is: ‘Capitalism is a dynamic system but it works through creating cycles and crises. It is a disequilibrium system’.

And to sign off, he quotes the old discredited bug-bear Karl Marx: ‘Mankind sets itself only such tasks as it is able to solve,’ before saying, on his own bat: ‘We shall solve the problems yet. No one can say just how’.

For: The Pioneer, BOOKS
(1,032 words)
July 31st 2015

Gautam Mukherjee

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